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Your last para reminds me of Baz Luhrmann's "Sunscreen."

I'm curious...what keeps you persistent? What drove you to where you are today?

I've been an avid reader of your blog for a really long time. I was really pleased when you cracked open a new blog for your Unabashed Gearhead Gnarlyness ideas. I don't usually comment on blogs but your plea for feedback touched a nerve and I had to respond. I looked over both blogs and realized that you don't seem to get much feedback from your readers. Which is crap because you're one of the top blogs, along with Seth Godin and Scott Adams.

wow. just wow. im inspired. thanks.

OK - commenting on old blog posts again.... I printed that last paragraph in a large-ish font and have it hanging over my monitor in the cubicle. Because it lifts me out of my apathy, my lethargy.

I've started.

And in my organization, I can already see the ripple effect, which is just incredible.

are you still reading Oprah magazine? this is an honest question. i have to check it today - never looked at it...

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