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Agreed: in order to know, you have to actually do ... move beyond the intellectual exercise of study and into the act of making.

And making is scary. Scary because if you are doing things right you are going to fail (over and over) and failing takes a hit on your self-image ... unless you look at this type of failure as a primary measure of progress.

In one of my previous careers, I was a production potter. In finding a form, a new glaze technique or a new firing method I could only go so far making drawings and formulas. I had to start making stuff, and most of it sucked because I was not happy with incremental evolution. I used to measure my success based on my shard pile. It was an awesome testament to failure!

Man, I love this blog.

Clay -- I love your shard pile story! I'm very interested in ways of assessing the effectiveness of an innovation process as it is happening.

Perhaps we should be looking at what goes in to dumpsters and trash cans, real or virtual?

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