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A few weeks ago, my Camino browser decided, unilaterally, to erase my bookmarks. At the very same moment, i decided to switch back to Firefox and start using Del-icio-us, google spreadshets, etc.
As you say, i trust more in google or yahoo than in myself and burglars in my city, but most of all, web is turning more and more into a tool, and less in a display cabinet. Why then buy and store a program in your hard disk? The less weight i carry, the faster i move.

The real web challenge, and a truly stimulant one, can be reduced then to two words:


Privacy, it is obvious why.

Standards, if you manage to work as you mentioned, without carryng your laptop (the more i carry mine one, the more i think "laptop" is a euphemism), what happens when you go to china or japan or even germany? Keyboards, browsers, etc. etc.

The real deep challenge to make this work, is to guarantee a reliable access to the web, to anyone anywhere. Specially to poor countries.

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