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Most of us have our hand wrapped around the cup when we are paying any attention to it anyway. Perhaps the delivery of the message is less important to Starbucks than the existence of the message (and the reference to The Times that can be seen clearly below the sleeve)?

Brad, you bring up a good point. Is it true? Maybe.

I'd want to do a lot of observations in and around coffee drinking environments before I agreed with that statement. And who knows -- we should be able to come up with a design solution which keeps Virgina visible even when the hand is wrapped.

In the meantime, some companies are coming out with 2-ply coffee cups to get rid of the sleeves altogether. They could just go back to printing on the cup.

A fortune-cookie-like proverb or piece of motivational advice at the bottom of every cup would be just as cool: You'd have to finish your coffee before you could read it.

Since almost everyone uses sleeves with their hot coffee cups, I'm surprised Starbucks leaves it to the customer to put sleeves on the cup. They should just have the baristas do it.

I would put the label on the lid. It's much easier to read that without having to tilt your cup.

Since almost everyone uses sleeves with their hot coffee cups, I'm surprised Starbucks leaves it to the customer to put sleeves on the cup. They should just have the baristas do it.

I would put the label on the lid. It's much easier to read that without having to tilt your cup.

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